Day 7

Pittsburg, PA

Saturday, March 4

Alright, the final blog post. Thank you to everyone who’s read this! I wasn’t sure about bringing it back and thought it might be a waste of time, but the positive feedback has definitely made it worth it. I’m a few days late on this last post (wow… shocker), but I’ll wrap it up here.

We made it to Pittsburg after a long drive and all packed into our AirBnB that we would be staying at for the night. We weren’t meeting with any groups that night, but just finishing up the tour with a G-Men only bonding night. Sam and Varun took lead on the dinner plans cooking up some fire chicken tacos for the rest of the group. The other guys either did some work or sat around the TV watching Despicable Me.

Luckily enough our firelord, Brett, treated us to another fantastic presentation. This time, it was focused around our ICCA strategy for the upcoming semifinals competition. You may be thinking that the strategies being discussed were about more practice, or how to protect our voices, or some new choreo moves. If so, you’d be mistaken. The G-Men have devised some top secret plans to get us into that first place position which may include sabotage, betrayal, a love triangle, and side quests in our upcoming trip to California to discovering the secret to win it all in NYC.

Moving swiftly past that, some of the older G’s went to a local bar to celebrate the joint 21st birthday of Owen and Ryan! Although we didn’t stay very long, they did order their first drinks at a bar and we’re all very proud of them. We headed back and to no one’s surprise, a Super Smash Bros tournament began. Of course Varun took the crown again…

Although I didn’t take a lot of pictures of the AirBnB, hopefully some of these other photos not from tour will satisfy your visual requirements. As a senior, this is my last tour blog and last tour! Thank you to everyone who read, supported the group, and to all my other G’s who made this an incredible spring break. I think tour really is a time where the group can bond the most and make some lifelong memories and I’m glad we got to have one more before I graduate. Hopefully someone else picks this up next year, but we’ll see…


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