Friday, March 2 - After a fun and exciting night with Pitches and Notes in Madison, we began the day exploring more of Madison, which has been one of our favorite cities we've visited on tour. Thomas, Austin and I started the day by visiting a coffee shop that one of our new friends in Pitches and Notes, Anna, works at. Huge thank you to Anna for buying us coffee!! Such nice people! Next, we visited the Wisconsin State Capitol trying to find Scott Walker, the governor of Wisconsin. We searched to and fro, but the man was nowhere to be found. Disappointed at our failure, we made our way to Chen's Dumpling House for some fire Chinese food for lunch. 

Before leaving Madison, we had to make one more trip to Lake Mendota to take some dope pictures and throw the frisbee. Modeling inquiries can be sent to

<h> MILWAUKEE </h>
We rolled into Milwaukee and met up with The Meladies, an all-female a cappella group from Marquette University. We exchanged names and some songs and ate dinner at what can best be described as an cool little on-campus Buffalo Wild Wings. 

Lastly, we hung out with The Meladies and Naturals, the all-male a cappella group at Marquette. During our fun shindig, Nick's brother, Matt, a senior at Marquette, arrived and we were all shocked by their striking resemblance. They are three years apart, or are they? Nobody knows. Both the Naturals and Meladies were awesome to hang out with and we will definitely be back in the future! 

Marquette was fun and tour goes on and on - Brian

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