Day 7

Harrisburg, PA

March 1, 2024

Happy March!

Sarah let us try her authentic olive oil imported straight from Italia (literally so good.) It doesn’t seem like the best early morning snack but it was really good, just trust me. Big thank you to everyone at William and Mary for being such great hosts! Stopped by Shorty’s Diner to get some quick food, and we sang to all the patrons! I accidentally mentioned that I was “cracked up” (on thin mints) which caught the attention of a state trooper. Chirp also made a friend.

Honestly, the rest of this blog post is going to be rather quick. We spent most of the day driving to our AirBnB in the outskirts of Harrisburg (which was awesome, btw). I also ran into a gas station illegally selling our Gerch (see below.) Some of us went to see Dune (part 2) on opening night, and let me just say that it was amazing. Expectations were exceeded, theatre was packed, overall great experience, go watch this movie. I’m not being paid to say this. Later, Brett continued tradition of reading hunger games to the group before bed.

Heading to Rochester tomorrow. Goodnight!


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